Minifigure habitats
To celebrate Lego’s 90th anniversary we invited Tartan LUG members to build their own Minifigure habitat for a group display in the Edinburgh and Glasgow Lego stores.

Gallery website
You can see more habitat photos and detailed descriptions on our dedicated gallery website.
Short video
Alternatively, here is a short video compilation of all the different habitats on display in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
First ever MOC
Thank you to all our talented members who participated in this fun group activity. It has been lovely to see so many builders share their first ever MOC (My Own Creation).
Builder credits
Christine Aird, Dave Arnold, Kirsten Bedigan, Emma Berry, Karen Booth, Cameron Brown, Siôn Carpenter, Gavin Cleary, George Colvan, Stewart Lamb Cromar, Gilles de Crombrugghe, Shaun Dee, Peter Douglas, Warren Elsmore, Isobel Falconer, Ben Falconmore, Elizabeth Ferris, Shannon Holmes, Fiona MacPhee, Richard McCarthy, Tom Prest, Cennydd Smith, Chris Wakeling, Owain Williams, and Wil Wilson.
Have you seen them?
Please let us know if you’ve seen them in-store and which are your favourites!